Recorded as the sun approacheth the horizonal, at the Anderida Roadshow.
The White Horse, Chilham, Kent. UK. August 14th 2021. Stream the album on major platforms here Jake Weekes: Lead Guitar, Loops and Occasional Utterances… Paul Gardner: Sonic Ripples in Fabric of Space Time and CMB… Gram Swan: Bass Guitar Lee Igglesden: Drums |
the third kind
Personnel (in order of appearance): synth, field recordings, drums, bass, electronic tambura, trumpets, tambourine, electric guitar, drinks can maracas, computer voice, flute. Composed, performed, mixed, mastered and produced by Jake Weekes.
GOOD MORNIN' BRITAIN! Yet it is not a normal day. We were woken much earlier than usual (from peaceful dreams of electric ladyland) by the beautiful dawn chorus, and a strange feeling of fluctuating pleasure and trepidation, a struggle between the straightforward joy of sentience and an uneasy morbidity; rising through filters of consciousness, however, brings a natural jois de vivre as we head down to breakfast: only to be trammelled by... |
TORY BREAKFAST NEWS, promoting a world of commercial ruling class ideology. And yet, this morning, all the usual empty promises will not be enough to prevent the scales falling from our eyes. The uneasiness suddenly overwhelms us and we are "shown" the reality of the tawdry nation state, a bitter, spiritless, heartless wasteland bereft of free souls, ruled by anarchic capitalist sociopaths. All tweeting stops, as "the worlds REVOLVE... like ancient women gathering fuel... IN VACANT LOTS". Then we find the searing psychic pain can be automatically translated into RITUAL ACTION without thought or reflection, allowing a meditative trance, and eventually a new light breaking on the consciousness, salving the accumulated lesions of life, bringing the freedom to be and create, to mystically take to the air of the spirit world as a FREELY CREATIVE BEING. The warm light all around parts to reveal a celestial ladder (MI'RAJ) upon which we ascend into a giant numinous, within which moments of spiritual bliss are shared. Outside in the cold a Great Goddess vehicle has risen from the ocean like Isis, floating above the dark choppy sea of asymmetric lies we used to call reality: a cosmic Clytemnestra who will make her axe fall on the patriarch: "There is the Sea... and who indeed may empty it?" (ESTIN TALASSA: TIS DE NIN KATASPESEI;) echoes the death voice across the surface of the deep. The old world and its powers and pollutants are washed out in water and blood, and those inside the mothercraft will be reborn to feed and love the earth: they are THE THIRD KIND. Is this a cycle of death and rebirth? A melancholic CALL SIGN can still be picked up from a distant temporal planet that vanished.
Onement9 is part of the Anderida Collective and the album The Third Kind was originally released on Anderida Records catalogue number AR002.
The album is available on CD from Bandcamp and DIGITAL via iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and more - find links here...
Onement9 is part of the Anderida Collective and the album The Third Kind was originally released on Anderida Records catalogue number AR002.
The album is available on CD from Bandcamp and DIGITAL via iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and more - find links here...
To book Onement9 contact Gram on [email protected] or 07849 631 111
Onement9 on Facebook
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